mini storage hong kong

The correct design of the logistics process of a company is a tool that allows efficient management of distribution and product availability, the key to any industry. While stocks are generated in the production process, in the distribution, the need for storage requires agility and flexibility to satisfy market demands, which makes it more complex.These demands demand optimal storage and distribution at any point in the Mexican Republic or in other countries. For this reason, this is usually one of the most common problems, since companies are limited by the location or the number of warehouses they have. Contact us for mini storage.

Which is better: investing or hiring an expert company in storage and distribution?

Of all the decisions faced by logistics and foreign trade managers, those related to storage are the most frequent. It is critical to consider the increase in the number of warehouses and their location, as well as the economic effects that this entails.

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Several points must be taken into account that benefit or affect the operations of the company in the logistics and distribution of goods:

mini storage hong kong

-An adequate number of stores.

-The ideal location of each store.

-Size and capacity

-Assignment of space for each product.

-Assignment of product-client of each warehouse.

Some points to consider

In fact, the cost is one of the main points to consider. Depending on the case, the facilities can represent a large investment in fixed assets, difficult to reverse in the short and medium term.

The fact of correctly locating the facilities along a supply chain is a very important decision that can affect the control and distribution of the merchandise. It could even harm the delivery time to the customer.

And not only that, it could affect the fulfillment of the main objectives: to benefit the logistics network, prevent errors and facilitate savings in time and total costs. The latter, crucial both in the section of operations, as in the production, purchase, installation, transport, and maintenance of products in stock.

However, today there are companies that offer storage and distribution services, which have the first-class infrastructure. Through them, you can get great benefits without having to make a large investment.

By Angel