The internet users have to access their routers setting page often. When they are making an effort to access this page they will require an IP address. The IP login is the default address which is required to access the settings page. Now, why would one want to access the login page when they are using a running internet connection?

The internet users often face some problems like

  • When they want to change the password as the old password is now not secure enough.
  • When they have some connection issues and they want to troubleshoot the network problems.
  • When they want to secure the network

The IP login as stated is a default IP address which is used by many router manufacturers for configuring and accessing the router. The major players in the industry D-link and Netgear use this IP address as its default IP address. These are two highly popular brands when it comes to router manufacturer and when it comes to IP login it has become the most popular login just because it is used by these two major giants.

The login to the router allows the user to make many changes and manage their connection on their own. There is word default means that it is used by the manufacturer themselves and the same is available to anyone who is using the router from that brand. When the access is being tried the users do not require an active internet connection. The connection is made with the settings page of the router and not the internet connection. This means that the changes on the router’s setting can be managed offline. Make sure that there is antivirus or any firewall which is creating a hindrance to the login. If the situation is such then they should be turned off.

By Angel